For the attention of users


Recently, some production centres have continued to CEKAL-mark glazing units even though their certification has been suspended, in whole or in part.
CEKAL is currently taking the necessary steps to resolve these situations as quickly as possible.
In the meantime, we invite you to check systematically on the website:
-that the CEKAL certificate for the production centre you are in contact with is available online,
-that the specific glazing you are planning to order falls within the scope of the certificate (see page 3 of the certificate for further information).
As a user of glass products, your vigilance will ensure that the glazing units in question are certified, in accordance with your expectations or those of your customer.
If you need any assistance or are in any doubt, please call 01 47 23 06 65 or write to
Thank you for your attention,
Yours faithfully.

September 2024